3 John 1:11 – The overflow of goodness
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – good is of God, it comes from him alone, I don’t create goodness in me, he creates it in me and I encounter it in him, and then from encounter, I overflow goodness. It’s all in the seeing.
3 John 1:11 TPT
[11] Whoever does good is of God; whoever does evil has not seen God.
John 2:23-25 – Known and Loved!
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – nothing that is kept in the dark can be healed by the light. But I will only bring into the light what I think the light can handle.
John 2:23-25 TPT
[23] While Jesus was at the Passover Feast, the number of his followers began to grow, and many gave their allegiance to him because of all the miraculous signs they had seen him doing! [24] But Jesus did not yet entrust himself to them, because he knew how fickle human hearts can be. [25] He didn’t need anyone to tell him about human nature, for he fully understood what man was capable of doing.
1 John 3:5-6,8 – Intimacy is the answer to sin
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – the more I am with Jesus the more I see myself, as a man with no sin. Union with him eradicates sin in me.
1 John 3:5-6,8 TPT
[5] And you know without a doubt that Jesus was revealed to eradicate sins, and there is no sin in him. Anyone who continues to live in union with him will not sin. [6] But the one who continues sinning hasn’t seen him with discernment or known him by intimate experience. [8] The reason the Son of God was revealed was to undo and destroy the works of the devil.
2 Peter 1:17 – Turn on the delight
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – the motivation for following Jesus must be found in the pleasure of his presence.
2 Peter 1:17 TPT
[17] All my delight is found in him!
Luke 23:44-46 – Ripped for good
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – what God rips no one should try and repair. The way into God’s presence is completely open, don’t try and reestablish barriers to entry.
Luke 23:44-46 TPT
[44] It was now only midday, yet the whole world became dark for three hours as the light of the sun faded away. [45] And suddenly in the temple, the thick veil hanging in the Holy Place was ripped in two! [46] Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Father, I surrender my Spirit into your hands.” And he took his last breath and died.
Luke 17:20-21 – It’s expanding, make room.
Here is the revelation shaping my life today – you do not make God’s kingdom come, you see that it is coming in you and die to everything that stands in its way.
Luke 17:20-21 TPT
[20] Jesus was once asked by the Jewish religious leaders, “When will God’s kingdom realm come?” Jesus responded, “God’s kingdom realm does not come simply by obeying principles or by waiting for signs. [21] The kingdom is not discovered in one place or another, for God’s kingdom realm is already expanding within some of you.”
James 1:23-24 – Will the real me step forward
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – I create a me that is not my true self. I then see me in Him, the divine me, the me I always have been but lost in the journey. It’s in my encounter with Him that I discover myself and then become me. I live my revelation.
James 1:23-24 TPT
[23] If you listen to the Word and don’t live out the message you hear, you become like the person who looks in the mirror of the Word to discover the reflection of his face in the beginning. [24] You perceive how God sees you in the mirror of the Word, but then you go out and forget your divine origin.
Hebrews 2:14,18 – Who is your God when life’s ordeals come?
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- the desire, or even sense of entitlement, that I should live without facing ‘life’s ordeals’, has me miss God and his intended beauty.
Hebrews 2:14,18 TPT
[14] Since all his “children” have flesh and blood, so Jesus became human to fully identify with us.….. [18] He suffered and endured every test and temptation, so that he can help us every time we pass through the ordeals of life.
2 Timothy 4:18 – Clear and present rescue
Here is the revelation shaping my life today – you can’t void the challenges and hardships of life brought about through the evil attacks and brokenness of this world, but you have a choice as to how you respond.
2 Timothy 4:18 NIV
[18] The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Luke 3:21-22 – What voice gives you your worth, significance and security?
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – where you find your answers shapes your life.
Luke 3:21-22 NIV
[21] When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened [22] and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you, I am well pleased.”
2 Timothy 2:1 – Empowered living.
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – I was not made to do life alone, I don’t have what it takes.
2 Timothy 2:1 TPT
[1] Timothy, my dear son, live your life empowered by God’s free-flowing grace, which is your true strength, found in the anointing of Jesus and your union with him!
1 Timothy 4:10 – The non-exclusive God
Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- we too often want to make God exclusively ours. It gives us security, comfort, and power, but he is a non-exclusive God.
1 Timothy 4:10 TPT
He is the wonderful life-giver of all the children of men, and even more so to those who believe.
1 Timothy 2:4 – What an offer.
Here is the revelation shaping my life today – God’s desire is that I would know him intimately and be shaped by his truth.
1 Timothy 2:4 TPT
“He longs for everyone to embrace his life and return to the full knowledge of the truth.”
Mark 1:21-22 – Shut up, I want awestruck.
Here is the revelation shaping my life today – there is way too much talk and not enough awe and wonder in our lives with Jesus. It’s not meant to be this way. We have sanitised the beauty, danger, mystery and supernatural presence of God into a safely spoken religion about God who is as boring as religion has always been.
Mark 1:21-22 TPT
[21] Then Jesus and his disciples went to Capernaum, and he immediately started teaching on the Sabbath day in the synagogue. [22] The people were awestruck and overwhelmed by his teaching because he taught in a way that demonstrated God’s authority, which was quite unlike the religious scholars.