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Intimacy Love

Luke 12:6-7 – What are you worth?

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- I have great value ascribed to me and I am never abandoned.

Luke 12:6-7 TPT

[6-7] “What is the value of your soul to God? Could your worth be defined by an amount of money? God doesn’t abandon or forget even the small sparrow he has made. How then could he forget or abandon you? What about the seemingly minor issues of your life? Do they matter to God? Of course they do! So you never need to worry, for you are more valuable to God than anything else in this world.



“Am I of any significance?” “Does anyone know me?” “Does anyone care for me?” We live in an age where the value, worth and significance of many individuals seems to be constantly a question in their minds. They feel alone, deserted, unknown and isolated. Yet here is the God of creation declaring – “you matter deeply to me.” Your every coming and going, the big issues and the minor issues of your existence, they matter to God.


And it is not just a concern that God has for you, but He places incredible value on you. You are “more valuable to God than anything else in this world.” Did you hear that? Can you comprehend that? He knows you, He cares for you, and He places great value upon you. Could any higher value be placed on an individual than to matter to the most high God?


Whatever story we tell ourselves will be the story we live in. Imagine if we told ourselves the story of God? Imagine if you and I lived in this story of great value, concern, and intimacy? So many of the deceptive and robbing questions of life would be answered and silenced. You would never need to worry again, anxiety, stress, fear would be silenced by the story that you matter to God, and He ascribes great value upon you. Can you feel the freedom, the peace, and the power of this shaping story over your life? God makes His declarations about you and your life, He then invites us each by faith to declare them as our shaping truth story. Faith takes the promise and shapes life accordingly.

So when you wonder what are you worth be quick to answer – “I am more valuable to God than anything else in this world.“



I will intimately chat to God about all the issues of my life. I will live knowing the great value, worth and care He ascribes to me. I will exercise faith to ensure my life in all its varied and challenging circumstances is shaped by His truth stories. I will not be deceived into believing that everything I think is true, I will not bow to my roller coaster of emotions, I will not be shaped by the ever-changing tides of my circumstances. I will shape my life in God’s declarations and everything else, my mind, my emotions, my circumstances will submit and be shaped by His truth.



Thank you that you care so deeply and intimately for me. Thank you that you place such great value upon me. Thank you that you call me into truth and that you give me life-shaping truth in you. Thank you for freedom from worry and all the fear and isolation it so quickly and often seduces me into. A blessed person knows they are valued, cared for and never alone. I am blessed, so I will live this way!




Do you allow the declarations of God to shape your life?

Do you receive them as your truth or are they challenged to be true by opposing stories that attempt to mount a case of your disqualification? (Why not journey deeper if you know this is happening).




1 thought on “Luke 12:6-7 – What are you worth?

  1. Rebeka Turner

    Hi I really loved this ! I do a Coffee and Psalms on Facebook 😊 Please check it out ! Thank you so much for your encouragement today 💛

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