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Gods power and presence Love Salvation

Romans 2:4 – Presence is Salvation

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – there is no fear in my life with God for His salvation is in His presence.
Romans 2:4 NLT
[4] Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?


What motivates me? Fear is often the motivation used to have us behave. Whether we are 2-year-olds being taught by Mum that bad boys get sent to their rooms, or a five year old afraid of Santa finding out she”s naughty, or a mature driver being taught by the police. Fear and punishment are used, despite the fact that they never really work. Religion uses fear and makes God the punisher, but it never works. Fear has an immediate effect at times, I slow down when I see the sign that a camera to record my driving is ahead, but does not change me lastingly, or internally. Law and punishment only bring about measured change in behaviour and often cause an internal rebellion.
So don’t paint God like us. He doesn’t do fear. It’s love and kindness that draw us into the life He intends to bless us with. It’s the beauty of God that draws me to follow. There is no punishment that God meters out to have me perform appropriately. The punishment of sin is within sin itself, the consequence and havoc of the overflow. We all know and experience this. But this is not God punishing. Jesus covered the price due me, and covered me, of all my poor performance issues that would have normally brought punishment and made me look unacceptable. I am now free and perfect. Crazy right?!?
You see when you’ve been sent to your room, lost your presents, or got that ticket, you don’t fall in love with the one enforcing the law. And here is the focus of God, to love upon us with His kindness and patience, for us to experience and continue to be present to His love, knowing that this alone transforms me. For His presence is salvation. It’s all about me remaining present to His love and kindness – life in Gods ways flows from here. So our God puts away fear and the stick that threatens, in order to have me present in His love and salvation presence. Transformed life comes only from being present to His salvation presence, and love and kindness bring me freely to this place.


I will never bow my knee to fear. I will never walk away from Gods love and kindness, even when I know that the rod is what I am due. I will not allow the training of this world, whether that’s been my mum, or Santa, or a uniform, to shape how my God treats me. I will look to be aware when I am seduced to use the manipulation of fear to control others, and I will look to walk away.


Thank you for your love and kindness and patience with me. Thank you that you put away the rod and silencing fear. I love the beauty and freedom of walking through this life in your presence. Salvation is in your presence, so I will stay present. I am a blessed man.


Meditation truth – his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin.
How much does fear shape your life?
Do you know the love and kindness of God?
Have you encountered the power of his presence to bring salvation?