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Luke 23:34 – Forgiven before I ask.


Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- forgiveness is critical to a healthy life. Forgiveness is freely already available to all.

Luke 23:34 NLT

[34] Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”



Forgiveness seems possible when the one who has wronged you comes and asks you, with regret and sincere remorse, for your forgiveness. But forgiveness for people who have no remorse only unknowing responsibility. Here is Jesus, in pain, hanging in the instrument of execution, forgiving his executioners. This is forgiveness that is not asked for. This is how heaven forgives. In Jesus Heaven releases forgiveness on all humanity before we even ask. Forgiveness on all humanity, even those who know not what they are doing as they persecute mock and execute heaven.


When we come to God and ask for forgiveness, leave the desperate pleading at home. When you come you are forgiven before you get the ask out of your mouth. So, Come in gratitude and thanks. “Thank you that I am forgiven,” thank you that your forgiveness has already removed the stain of my sin in all the ways it can destroy and disqualify me from your presence. Too often we come pleading and asking, and in our asking we allow the enemy of God to deceive us into believing that God says “no,” to our request, or puts “make good” demands as prerequisites of forgiveness and restored rightness. When you come saying “thank you,” there is no gap for the voice of “no.” Your mouth is full of praise for what is established already not seeking God to move again and establish your forgiveness a new. God established forgiveness before we ask in Jesus. We just have to get on His forgiveness page.


Is there no room for remorse? Yes, I hate my sin, I hate being the false-self me and all the behaviour that flows from that broken identity. Remorse is welcome and helpful, tears are welcome to flow, disappointment and regret are natural, they just don’t move God to do something He has already done. Remorse must move into praise and gratitude for the healing of forgiveness that now enables me to be present for the redemption that flows from my God’s presence. The only way the false me is healed is in the presence of God, that is why forgiveness must always sit in the present tense, so I am always right for His presence so that healing can stop false-self from its continuing shaping story over my life.



I will live forgiven before I ask. The waterfall of God’s forgiveness is always flowing over me. I will not beg I will praise.


Thank you for establishing forgiveness for everyone. Thank you that no one is outside your forgiveness. Thank you that forgiveness enables presence, thank you that your presence enables freedom, healing, and deliverance into the life you intend. A blessed life is a life lived in forgiveness. I am a blessed man!


Meditation truth – I am forgiven before I ask.


Consider – how often do I feel like I have to earn God’s forgiveness?

How often do the voices of shame and condemnation scream to me when confronted by my sin?




1 thought on “Luke 23:34 – Forgiven before I ask.

  1. Bob Builder


    I just listened to your song of worship to our lord Jesus during my TEA break; thank you for that meaningful moment!

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