Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- we defend being right and defending our version of right, above love and unity, and then wonder why the world does not know Jesus.
John 17:22-23 NLT
[22] “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. [23] I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.
Unity, oneness, these are signs of God himself, this is His glory, the revelation of himself. Jesus came to reveal God so we would know him, and in knowing, experiencing God we would reflect him in our oneness. The revelation had purpose – “so they may be one as we are one.” And to enable this reflected glory to shine in my life, Jesus himself is in me by the presence of Holy Spirit.
It is from our experience and reflection of the unity of the trinity that the world will meet God and encounter His love, “the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.” It is no wonder that the enemy of God creates such disunity among the people of God. In defending somewhat obscure truths of God, as they see it, the people of God separate from one another, breaking with one of the fundamental truths God wants to establish among His people, the reflection of himself through their unity. People will not come to know God because we have explained to them the place of women in ministry, or how to gather together in worship correctly. They will come to know God because they witness Him in His people’s unity and their love for one another.
Is the world knowing the son more important? Why do we defend at the expense of unity our little truths and then try and make up the lost ground through man-made programs that introduce the son? Is it not time, for the sake of our communities, that unity, and love among the people of God be the highest priority? What would happen if at all costs, in the face of every difference of belief, at the cost of my brand winning, we prioritised unity and love among God’s people? Could it be that this is God’s way of salvation for our communities? Too simple a strategy? Too foolish for our modern planning strategising minds? Sounds like the Kingdom. Sounds like foolishness confounding the wise, sounds like the way salvation comes in the first place, maybe we should continue on the same way we began.
Personally seek unity and love among the people of God, that the glory of God, the revelation of Himself, would be seen and He would become known. Pay the price for this. Stop defending God who needs no defense. Stop judging others when I am not equipped to judge. Stop focusing on the small issues when the issue of life and death is at stake.
Thank you that you are unity and love and you desire in your people the reflection of yourself – unity and love. Thank you that you give yourself for me and to me that I may know and live in unity and love. Thank you that correctness and being right are not on the top of your priority list, but love and unity reign.
Meditation truth – “they may be one as we are one.”
How often do we allow issues that divide to become our priority at the expense of love and unity?
How often do I judge others and claim to be right and demand service to my right beliefs, before I will love and accept others?