Here is the revelation shaping my life today – the intellectual pursuit of God will never empower my conviction to live for him, like him, with him.
1 Thessalonians 1:5 TPT
[5] For our gospel came to you not merely in the form of words but in mighty power infused with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.
It’s not words, it’s experienced words that release deep conviction. The gospel is not a written document to be studied, it is God revealing himself in Jesus so that he can be encountered by you. It’s not read and believe, this never works. We change what we believe given circumstances and challenges. But you can’t change your experience, it changes you. You don’t read words to learn and be informed, you meet the person of God and his ways and then from that experience passion and certainty are released as you reflect the encounter in your world.
Brian Zahnd commented, “attempting to use the rational mind as the organ for experiencing God is rather like trying to smell a rose with your ear.” Whilst we feel more comfortable with the exploration of knowledge, we are called to be mystical people of supernatural encounter. It’s the supernatural encounter that Psalmist invites us into when he says – “OH, taste and see that the Lord is good.” It’s the “OH” that is critical, the “OH” I can’t find words to express the immensity, the beauty, the power, of my encounter, my “taste and see.” We are invited into the “OH” of God encounters, not merely words and comprehension.
I will read with eyes for encounter. God being present to me, me being present to his presence, this will be my posture whenever I open his words to me. I will allow my encounter to bring my conviction and my reflection of encounter to be my sharing. I won’t smell a rose with my ear in my coming to you.
Thanks that you didn’t ask me to study you but you come to me to be experienced. Thank you that I don’t pass exams, I hang out with you. Thank you that rational thinking is not the invitation but supernatural encounter that speaks to a deeper level of consciousness is your invitation. I love this life, its beauty, its awe, it’s “OH!”
Meditate – Gods word comes to me with mighty power infused with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.
How much of your ‘knowing’ of God is based intellectually without power conviction of experience?
Do you have a rhythm that makes space for the mystical encounters of God?