Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – I get life upside down in my priorities so easily and so quickly and then I wonder why life yields me what I strive for. The true goal of life is relationships of love, so sow here and reap accordingly.
1 Peter 3:8-9 TPT
[8] Now, this is the goal: to live in harmony with one another and demonstrate affectionate love, sympathy, and kindness toward other believers. Let humility describe who you are as you dearly love one another. [9] Never retaliate when someone treats you wrongly, nor insult those who insult you, but instead, respond by speaking a blessing over them because a blessing is what God promised to give you.
What is the goal of my life? How do you answer that question? What is involved in the answer? Does it involve heroic deeds of achievement? Does it involve personal securities? God makes it simple for everyone – Five do’s and two don’ts. And it’s all about relationships. When we think of life goals we usually think of deeds and achievements, but God thinks relationally, for relationship is the core of life for everyone. We were created by love, for love, to love. It’s all relationship when it comes to the creator, and a great life is a life lived loving others.
So here’s life’s goals – harmony, love, humility, sympathy towards others. The goal is to be in a great relationship with everyone. It’s summed up – “dearly love one another.” And then when something goes wrong repair relationships. Don’t retaliate, or insult, but bless. Can you imagine a world where everyone’s life goals were summarised in these two verses of scripture? Imagine if we dropped our epic heroic conquests, or our tiny get-that-thing, went to that place, and made our life goal to be fully human, in the image of the one who made us, that is outrageous lovers who defend the beauty and sanctity of relationships with all at all cost. This is a heroic life goal. Then let the other things of life find their place. Be heroic, and follow dreams, but do it from the higher priority of loving others.
So where in my life does the rubber hit the road? Am I humbly loving harmoniously with a sympathetic posture all who are in my life? Do I have relationships that need my attentive repair? Thank you Jesus you just showed me one, I will attend to that. Make my goal for life God’s goal for my life.
Thank you that you call me to a heroic life of love. Thank you that you model this life to me, you invite me to experience this way of living in your presence and then send me to reflect my encounters of you in my world. It’s not demanded of me, it’s enabled in me. There is no manipulation here, you do not love me in response to my loveliness, in you I am loved without cause and then released to love accordingly. Thank you for a life that is relationally focused as the priority and goal of life. I love this love life.
Meditate – dearly love one another.
What are your life goals? Do they need adjustment?
What lesser goals am I selling myself to?