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Intimacy Love

1 John 4:7,10,19 – Why Reject Love?

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- I can’t walk past the deepest need of love.

1 John 4:7,10,19 TPT

[7] Those who are loved by God, let his love continually pour from you to one another, because God is love. Everyone who loves is fathered by God and experiences an intimate knowledge of him. [10] This is love: He loved us long before we loved him. It was his love, not ours. He proved it by sending his Son to be the pleasing sacrificial offering to take away our sins. [19] Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us.



We were made by love, for love, to love. Creation is the result of love, Jesus came to restore us to love, that we would respond to love and reciprocate love to others. This is the summary of the why and meaning to life, to be loved and to love in return.


God is love. It’s not what He does it’s who He is. He exists in a constant state of love. His love is not aroused by me, earned by me, deserved by me, His love is unconditionally poured out towards me always, in every situation. It’s this love that Jesus came to rescue me back to.

God knew that condemnation, shame, and disqualification would keep us from love, He knew that our unloveliness would trap us away from love, so God comes and releases forgiveness on all. “He proved His love by sending his Son to be the pleasing sacrificial offering to take away our sins.” The Greek term ‘hilasmos’ can be described as “a cleansing, satisfying sacrifice that provides a covering shelter.” You see my sins, my unloveliness is cleansed and covered so there can be no distraction from His love.


When I experience love I experience God. We all really want God deeply, as deeply as we want love, for wanting love is wanting God. We know at the truest level that love is what life is about. But rather than come to love to be loved and then be able to love, we try and get love from others. We are so often running around trying desperately to get love, which is to take your love from you for me. But this is not love. Coming to love itself, being loved by God himself, living with love intimately, enables me to overflow with love to others. Love for others is always a response to being loved by Him. It’s come to the source and then overflows.


Studies of the brain now show us how healthy I am when I am loved and I love others. Physically, emotionally, I was designed for love. We know love is all we need. This need for love is scientifically proven, agelessly evident, culturally constant, internal truth for all. God is love – come and be loved – identify as being His beloved – then go and be His love, on this alone will the world find the right axis of its created intention.



Stay close to love. Be healed of any stories that complicate, censor, or call me away from love. Be aware that love is under constant attack of the enemy of God. When I fail to feel His love I will trust His love, I will never distrust God’s love for me.



Thank you that you made the world move and have its being in and on love. Thank you that you have rescued me into your unending love. Thank you that you send me to love, filled with love from you I go in love for you.



Spend some time repeating the phrase – “I know I am loved by you.” Listen to any stories or confusion that oppose this truth. If discovered look at the journey deeper section.