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Intimacy Living abundantly

Romans 2:4 – Kindness leads to licence or repentance?

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – what do I do with God’s kindness towards me? Do I know it? Do I use it and abuse it? Or does it lead me into full life?

Romans 2:4  TPT
[4] Do the riches of his extraordinary kindness make you take him for granted and despise him? Haven’t you experienced how kind and understanding he has been to you? Don’t mistake his tolerance for acceptance. Do you realise that all the wealth of his extravagant kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance?


I am continually flawed by the extraordinary kindness of God towards me. I would be unable to walk in the depth of her intimacy outside of his kindness to me. I am so deeply grateful, for without his kindness so deeply protecting my heart, I would succumb to the voices of shame and condemnation. I will never compromise his forgiveness that never ceases to flow, I will never be disqualified from his uncaused love for me, and I will never see myself outside of his declared story of “perfect forever.” He never changes his stance towards me, he is extraordinarily kind.

The question is not do I live in his kindness, the question is do I take it for granted? Do I despise his kindness? Yes, it is only due to his kindness that I can stand in his presence, but do I then take his kindness and make it my license for foolish living? Or do I ensure his kindness is my leading to repentance and into his fullness? God’s tolerance and kindness are not his acceptance of my poor behaviour, it’s his unconditional acceptance of me. It does not mean that God tolerates my poor choices to live outside his abundance without exception. His kindness keeps me intimate, and his intimacy melts my heart to walk in His ways. When kindness does not lead to intimacy then it can easily become license, for only intimacy leads me to repentance.

Because too often his church does not know his intimacy, this verse is turned into manipulative dialogue to coerce better behaviour. It changes the stance from unconditional extraordinary kindness to conditional kindness based on my not abusing his kindness. As if my actions can move God to be unkind towards me. We always think we are more powerful than we are, it’s ridiculous to think I am powerful enough to manipulate how God acts. But there is no coercion or manipulation in love, so intimacy and love are the only true transformative motivations of Heaven. I will forever need the beauty of repentance for I am continually in need of adjusting my life to come into her fullness. But the motivation for repentance must always flow from my personal encounter of his intimacy and kindness, never from the threat of losing this. Paul invites us to not take his kindness for a license, but his kindness is never in question, only what we do with his kindness.


Live in God’s kindness intimately so that his kindness melts my heart and leads me into repentance. Do not misuse his kindness to be a fool, and never think that his kindness is under the threat of withdrawal. It’s all intimacy hence kindness and love are always his stance towards me.


Thank you for your incredible kindness, it’s the basis of my life. Thank you that it does not run out on me regardless of me. Thank you that your kindness towards me is self-sustained in your love for me, not founded on my goodness in following you. It is a great life when you are always being treated kindly in love. When you mess up kindness stands alongside and picks you up. I can’t stand under law and judgment, it’s just too heavy. Thank you for your love and kindness, I can become truly me in your kindness.


Meditate – kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance.

Do I use his kindness for my license to foolish living?
How often do I leave his love and kindness based on the harsh voices of shame and condemnation?