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Romans 1:20 – God everywhere.

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – God whilst invisible has made his nature, himself, visible in creation and fully in Jesus. So knowing what God is like only evades those who refuse to stop and see. I am guilty of this.

Romans 1:20  TPT
[20] Opposition to truth cannot be excused on the basis of ignorance, because from the creation of the world, the invisible qualities of God’s nature have been made visible, such as his eternal power and transcendence. He has made his wonderful attributes easily perceived, for seeing the visible makes us understand the invisible. So then, this leaves everyone without excuse.


Creation is incarnational. Not God becoming man but God becoming revealed in everything he created. Creation yells “See and know God.” Man is always asking, what is God like and how do I relate to Him? The invisible God reveals himself in the visible, firstly clearly in creation and then fully in Jesus. So there is no excuse to say I don’t know what God is like, I just fail to look and see. God is not hiding, we are busily lost in life’s frantic running missing the one who gives life and who is the author of life. Such is the arrogance of me, I think I can make life my way, and I march through life without eyes to see God and follow him.

If I had better vision I would see God in everything everywhere. I would take a deeper breath, see the beauty, power, and creativity of creation, and breathe in God. I would take greater responsibility for its keeping when I see him present in it everywhere. I have been taught to look at the word and not shown how to be present to God’s presence in his creation. The slow pace of appreciation has been forfeited for the study of the word. As I age I find the call to slow, silent contemplative appreciation of being present to God’s presence extremely beautiful.


Breathe. Create the space for slow appreciation of God everywhere. Complement my appreciation of presence with God through Jesus with his presence present in creation.


Thank you that you have not left me ignorant of what you are like and how I relate to you. You presence yourself everywhere and invite me to freely come and be present. Far from hidden and unknown, you are present everywhere inviting all who would take the time to breathe and see. I love this life of continually discovery of your greater beauty and love.


Mediate – the invisible qualities of God’s nature have been made visible.

Do I take time to see God?
Have I exclusively positioned God in the word and missed him in everything everywhere?