Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – I never exhaust the discovery of God, there is always more greatness to enjoy and live in.
Psalm 145:3-4 TPT
[3] Lord, you are great and worthy of the highest praise! For there is no end to the discovery of the greatness that surrounds you. [4] Generation after generation will declare more of your greatness and declare more of your glory.
My exploration and discovery never comes to an end. There is always more of you, more of your greatness to be discovered. It is the responsibility and invitation to every generation to teach the coming generation more of your greatness. Every individual can come to you every morning and discover something more of your greatness.
Your word is alive, it speaks new truth from its same words into my life often. Your presence is constantly revealing more of your love, beauty and majesty. Creation seems to rise to sing new and further evidence of your majesty, all who make it their path to look deeply discover more of you. A simple walk on the beach and there you are drawing me deeper into your magnificence.
Praise never gets tired when fresh reason is constantly there to shape my voice. I am flawed and in awe that I discover greater depths to your love, fresh healing in your mercy, new amazement in your grace, new jaw dropped wonder in your unmeasured blessings towards me, deeper intimacy in your presence. The material that shapes my praise is new in its expression that flows from your self disclosure.
I agree with David, the writer of the Psalm, I will never tire of the discovery of you and the praise it releases. I will look to bring your fresh majesty into the frame of the next generation. My personal discovery is always to be spoken out inviting others into the shape of its discovery for them personally, and to the release of praise that follows. I will raise each day with new expectation of discovery. I will posture myself with a mind that searches, a heart that is open and eyes that search to receive your greatness.
Thank you that there is no end to you. My faith is not a completed project that has lost its awe and wonder. Thank you that you love to show me you, your ways, your self. You invite me into a life of praise and awe and wonder at your greatness. I love that I live like a kid constantly astounded by what I discover. I am blessed.
God show me something new and amazing of you that I have not yet encountered.