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Mark 4:24-25 – Open heart revelation

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – it’s not worthiness that opens heavens revelation it’s open-heartedness.
Mark 4:24-25 TPT
[24] Then he said to them, “Be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear, for as you do, more understanding will be given to you. And according to the depth of your longing to understand, much more will be added to you. [25] For those who listen with open hearts will receive more revelation. But those who don’t listen with open hearts will lose what little they think they have!”


Whilst God gives everything of himself to us freely there is a responsibility to receive, a “diligence to understand.” God hides and keeps nothing from me, he does not wait for maturity, he does not wait for me to behave accordingly, he gives and invites my longing and responsiveness to receive. In God’s economy, it’s hunger to have not worthiness that is critical. It’s longing and diligence to understand that receives more abundance.
Now, this is no intellectual pursuit, it’s a heart longing, a “listening with my heart.” The heart receives meaning that my intellect can not understand. You can study God and arrive at certain beliefs, but like all beliefs, we change them based on new circumstances, new information, and new longings, but experience changes me in a way that can’t be denied. It can be ignored but not denied. God is interested in the intimacy of my heart and the yearnings of my heart for him, he is focused on my experiencing him. When you listen with your heart, when you take the posture of a mystic and supernaturally listen, then you will receive revelation. And as you receive and long for more revelation then an open heart is the posture to receive more.
We turn up at church wanting someone else’s wisdom, when God wants to be wisdom to us personally, intimately. We must only allow the pulpit of our churches, the podcasts, the books, the whatever’s, to be introduction to intimate personal conversation. For it is only in the heart posture will I receive revelation and not some more information. I have way too much information and not enough revelation. Revelation is transformative, for it is received in the heart.


Create the diligence of rhythm in my life that seeks revelation of the heart. Live mystically and contemplative in the presence of God. Lay aside my constant pursuit of information for the depth of revelation.


Thank you that you don’t work on and earn and deserve transactional format but rather on a passion and diligence criteria. I would fail any attempt at worthiness but you look for hunger, and I love this.


Meditate – those who listen with open hearts will receive more revelation.
What place is there in your life to receive revelation?
Do you have rhythms of open-heartedness that seeks revelation?