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Luke 14:3 – Law or Love?

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – we like law, it is clear and empowering, and it gives me security. But Jesus dismisses the law in favour of love.

Luke 14:3 TPT
[3] Jesus asked the experts of the law and the Pharisees who were present, “Is it permitted within the law to heal a man on the Sabbath day? Is it right or wrong?”


Jesus exposes the shortcomings of the law. The law does not have room for love it only has room for the letter. The law demands to be served without question, without right or wrong having a voice. The law is the only voice and demands obedience to its letters. Love serves the person, not the letter. Jesus fulfilled the law so the book would be closed forever and love would be released as the only determining voice of action. Jesus incarnated love so we would know what love does. But love is not studied like the law so as to intellectually argue its letters, love is encountered and reflected. Love shapes me personally and then expresses itself through me. I am removed from the letter for it is dead, where love is alive and active upon me before it moves through me.

So no more law obedience or serving. We serve love alone. We must stop our law-based demands for obedience and be lovers inviting all people into love encounters that love may be the sole shaper of behaviour. Law is so weak, it only has power as far as its threats reach. Whereas love once encountered cannot be stopped. This is why Jesus closed the law book, closed the temple, closed the priesthood, and closed down the sacrificial system, all these were designed in conjunction with the law, so love just closes the story on all of them. Love needs no in-between mediators, no place to meet, and no means of rightness, it simply moves in personally, accepting me fully and directly just as I am.


Shut the law up in my life. Live in the intimacy of love and see life through the eyes of love. Respond not to laws demands but loves beauty, learning the rhythms of love, the voice of love, the response of love, from the intimacy of love herself.


Thank you that law, priests, temple and sacrifices are no longer your story. Thank you that love has triumphed and is all that holds your concern and attention.


Meditate – love is all that matters.

Where in my life do I allow the law to trump love?
Am I afraid of the freedom of love?