Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- the question of is Jesus the messiah, has never stopped being debated. It is the most critical question of life.
John 7:40-44 NLT
[40] When the crowds heard him say this, some of them declared, “Surely this man is the Prophet we’ve been expecting.” [41] Others said, “He is the Messiah.” Still, others said, “But he can’t be! Will the Messiah come from Galilee? [42] For the Scriptures clearly state that the Messiah will be born of the royal line of David, in Bethlehem, the village where King David was born.” [43] So the crowd was divided about him. [44] Some even wanted him arrested, but no one laid a hand on him.
Who is Jesus? This question has always perplexed and divided people. The answer is personal and always demands faith, for the evidence is there, that He is the messiah, but you will only arrive there by faith. God never forces people to accept Him, He never uses the force of evidence, to remove the freedom of choice. Jesus left the door wide open for those who would come to him to come and those who wanted to find a reason and ways to reject him had grounds for their decision.
Ultimately Jesus becomes the messiah to you because you meet Him and he does the redemptive role of the messiah in your life. God is always personal. Love always leaves the door open. Love always invites personal experience as the basis for faith belief. In the end, you believe because you have undeniably but indescribably met him personally. On any other basis Of knowing you will be left to the mercy of the ebb and flow of the argument of the crowd.
I know that Jesus is the messiah because he has rescued me, this will be the evidence that I personally stand on. My introduction of him to others will always be ‘come and see for yourself,’ never an evidence-based argument that focuses on convincing you that what I believe is true. Jesus doesn’t want you to believe statements about him, he wants you to come and embrace the life he offers in himself, and to personally be tutored by him in life. I will never try and argue people to believe, I will always introduce them to the Jesus I know.
Thank you that love always invites us never manipulates. Thank you for paying the price for love, the price of rejection. Thank you that you invite me to personal experience and life and not a set of beliefs I must adhere to. Thank you that you offer me yourself. Thank you that you have revealed to me personally, intimately, experientially you. I am blessed to know that you are the messiah.
Meditation truth – who is Jesus?
Have you moved to a place where you desire and seek experience of Jesus’ messiahship?