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Intimacy Living abundantly

John 2:23-25 – He knows my heart.

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- I am the overflow of my heart.

John 2:23-25 NLT

[23] Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. [24] But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people. [25] No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart.



My life is the overflow of the stories I hold in my heart, the stories that I have made my shaping truth. Religion looks at the external of behaviour and uses manipulation to make behavioural modifications. Jesus knows the heart and looks to love my heart into wholeness. It does not follow my ways, it’s following me. Its proximity and presence not imitated disciplined obedience.


Whatever I hold true in my heart will be displayed in my feet, my hands, my eyes, my ears, my tongue. Everything that enters me is interpreted through the truth I hold in my heart, everything that flows from me displays my held truths. The spiritual journey is a journey of death and resurrection, it’s a journey of death to false truth and resurrection into God’s truth. The heart is where it’s at. This is why the spiritual journey is a participatory experience in the presence of God. My heart is changed in His presence, not because I hear some new thinking. New thinking may stimulate awareness, and this has value as long as it leads to the process of death and resurrection that happens in the intimacy of His presence. Any other attempt is self-focused self-effort hard work. You may try and produce the what of the Kingdom but if you do not do it in the way of the kingdom then ultimately it will fall short, or worse be a burden that you carry that robs joy.




“Jesus knows what was in each person’s heart,” he knows what is in my heart. Maybe the real question that should be posed for spiritual growth is ‘show me, Jesus, what is in my heart.’ I will posture my life towards this inspection. I will lay down attempts to ‘be better,’ and seek His presence where I am transformed by my experience of Him and then reflect His truth. Reflected experience rather than disciplined obedience will be my mode of operation.



Thank you that you look at the heart and not the externals. Thank you that you walk with me, that your invitation is to experience and presence. Thank you that your posture is always come to me and not doctrinal obedience to interpreted inked man owned dogma. What a blessed life it is to be known so deeply, and then invited to wholeness.



Meditation truth – Jesus knows my heart.


How often do you look at what you do, say, or think, and desire to be different? Do you need to ask Jesus to reveal your heart?