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Living abundantly Love

Hebrews 3:1,19 – Made by love for feasting

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – if you miss that you are already invited you keep trying to make yourself invitable, and you will never get to the feasting.

Hebrews 3:1,19 TPT
[1] And so, dear brothers and sisters, you are now made holy, and each of you is invited to the feast of your heavenly calling. So fasten your thoughts fully onto Jesus, whom we embrace as our Apostle and King-Priest. ………19] It is clear that they could not enter into their inheritance because they wrapped their hearts in unbelief.


Holiness is not obtained it is gifted, I am “now made holy.” This is the foundation of the supernatural life with God. She makes me right to her presence, for her presence. Holy – separated, I am separated from my sin as a defining feature of self, and separated into a new reality, righteousness, right with him. If you don’t get that you’ve already been made holy, then you spend all your days trying to become holy, and in so doing miss the beauty of his already available presence. There is nothing sadder than trying to become what you already are.

Now when you get that you are holy, you accept freely and passionately the invitation to “the feast.” If you don’t get that you are holy you try and get dressed up for the feast and you never quite get your attire right. The feast is what holiness calls you into, it’s the way of holiness. The feast is the life of abundance in her presence, enjoying her forever. This is your “heavenly calling,” feasting in his presence and the intimacy, the love, the beauty, the pleasure of his feast. Holiness enables feasting, feasting is your calling. You see when you feast in him then you are ready to live with him and for him. The feast is such that He becomes all you want. All the offerings of this world become shallow, brittle, fragile, and unappetising once the beauty and tastes of heavens feast have been personally encountered. So descending into the life of giving away self, giving away love, giving rather than getting, serving rather than being served, becomes a natural overflow of attending the feast of the greatest giver of self that has ever given self. It takes feasting with him to live like him. It takes personal encounters of revelations of his self-giving to you, for you to realise his likeness of self-giving is your truest self.

So, “fasten your thoughts fully onto Jesus, whom we embrace as our Apostle and King-Priest.” Don’t let anything distract you from the truest version of self there is, the made holy righteous you. Shown the way to this by your apostle Jesus. The way made open to holiness by your priest Jesus. The declaration was declared by King Jesus. There are no more powerful and authoritative voices than that of apostle, priest and king, and in Jesus is all three and all three make the declaration – “you are holy.” So don’t lose sight of this otherwise you will miss the feast. It’s unbelief that has me miss out. Belief is not rewarded with an invitation to the feast, the feast is already in full swing and all humanity is freely and personally invited. Belief reads the invitation and responds. It did not create the reason by any means for the invitation being sent. But unbelief will have me miss the beauty of “made holy,” for this is the only kind of holiness there is you. You cannot make yourself holy, it’s only the apostle-king-priest Jesus who makes all humanity holy and dressed for feasting.



I will fasten my thoughts to this declared reality of self, my true self, my made holy ready to party self. I will take any other thoughts captive, and they do come, that contradict, that laugh at, that condemn me from my made holy self. I will submit these thoughts to my apostle, priest, and king Jesus’ declaration and listen to the one who holds authority. Im going to live my life in the natural renewed, enabled and transformed by my feasting in the supernatural. I will never stop feasting, for only from the table of intimate feasting do I lose my appetite for the ways of this world. No religion, laws, belief structures, or manipulations, will have a transformative sway upon my life like a day of feasting. For the king of the feast never wanted it any other way.


Thank you for the clothing of love, the invitation of love, and the love feast. All prepared for me by your love. All available to me by your love. All waiting for me by your love. Love clothes me, love feasts with me, and then love sends me to be the feast of love to a world that desperately hungers for this heaven-shaped love. What a blessed life you make me ready for, thanks that the invitation is to be received and not earned. Jesus, I wholeheartedly accept my holiness in you that I may forever feast in your love.


Mediate – you are now made holy, come feast.

How often do I try and make myself ready for the feast by doing stuff that never clothes me appropriately?
How often do I stay away from the feast when to my way of thinking I should be disqualified by my poor performance? How often am I robbed of feasting by my unbelief and become starved of love?