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Living abundantly Love

Hebrews 13:1-3 – How do I live?

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – self can take over my life and kill real living.

Hebrews 13:1-3 TPT
[1] No matter what, make room in your heart to love every believer. [2] And show hospitality to strangers, for they may be angels from God showing up as your guests. [3] Identify with those who are in prison as though you were there suffering with them, and those who are mistreated as if you could feel their pain.


These three verses, if understood and allowed to shape my life, would change the world. Spirituality and each individual’s search would be honoured with love. Those in need would be served and cared for. Judgement would cease and goodwill towards others would prevail. No one would be alone in pain. What a world.

So, who do I have room for in my life? Is it only those that look like me, like what I like, have the same status in life, believe what I believe, and speak as I speak? Do strangers, prisoners, and suffering find me a safe place of refuge, help and life, or is the door of my life closed off to them? Do I let them in and enter their pain? How closed off am I to their plight?

Have I allowed disagreement in theology to remove love from my heart for others on the same path as me? Is not everyone searching for the answer to the question – who is God and how do I relate to him? Do I have love for other believers, other fellow travellers, or is my love confined to those who hold the same revelation as me? “No matter what!” This is strong language. There is to be no room for anything other than love in me for others who are searching, no matter what path their search currently has them on.

Society has put me on the throne and told me I am most important. That I need to live for myself. How much of this story is killing real life, the life God invites me into, from being realised? How much do I live to get and not give?


A bigger, more beautiful life awaits me. Walk in new ways. Open my heart, my eyes, my ears, my being, be hospitable, identify with others and feel their pain. This is costly living but beautiful that will change the world.


Thank you that you invite me into a new story of others. Self is so small. I will walk with you intimately as you train me in this life. Expose to me where I am closed off to what you would want me to see. I love this life in you.


Meditate – do I see others?

How much of my life is focused on self?