Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – truth is dangerous when carried contrary to truth itself.
Ephesians 4:21
[21] Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him.
There is truth that comes from Jesus. And the journey of life is a personal journey of revelation into his truth. When we hear “truth” our minds run to – right and wrong and black and white. But the way the truth of Jesus is received is not in this way. When I have the truth and you don’t, (according to me and my truth), then I sit in judgement and I try and convince you I am right; and separate from you if you will not come to my party. This is not the way truth is handled in the kingdom of God.
Truth is mine in that God has revealed it to me in the intimacy of my time with him. I can listen to your truth, but my truth is shaped in my walk with him. This does not mean that there is no ultimate truth, it just means that we are all on a journey towards truth and truth is a progressive, intimate revelation journey. So where I am at in my journey is where my truth is at today. So I don’t need to judge your truth, for it’s your journey. I may contribute to your journey by sharing mine, sharing my truth, but now it’s from a posture of a fellow truth journeyer, not a defensive and aggressive “ I have the truth that you must believe,” posture.
Truth has destroyed unity, created factions, and denominations, fuelled wars and generally destroyed the foundation of love that is the ultimate truth. We must learn a new way to carry and journey with our version of the truth. We must learn how to carry truth without judgement and higher ground aggressiveness. For the sake of truth, we need to see truth through a new lens. When I understand it is progressive, personal, intimate revelation then from that posture I can listen, and I can be in unity whilst being at different places in the journey. I can leave judgement behind and embrace each other in open honesty. I see Jesus at work in everyone, in all places, in all religious confessions, and I look to share, learn and discover, not convince, defend and judge. I trust Jesus is at work intimately and my most common invitation to further truth is not to listen to my version and follow, but to speak with him. I value him as teacher above all else, his intimate presence as the teacher to each individual. I get off my soapbox and share a coffee, not armed with truth and manipulation but with genuine enquiry and love.
I will journey with truth from a new context. I walk down from my high ground of truth, even though it has given me a sense of security, and I open myself to the journey of progressive, personal, intimate revelation. I will see others through this new truth lens. My posture will be as a lover on the same journey, not a judge with ultimatums. I will enjoy my teacher and be expectant for fresh manna.
Thank you that you are truth, but thank you that you call me to you to receive my truth. It’s not abstract from you, you are truth, so my experience of you, with you, is my truth journey. Thank you that you do not call me to be a defender of truth but a sharer of the truth journey. Sorry for all I have used truth to do that is so opposed to the truth itself. Thank you for forgiveness that covers my passionate displays in the name of truth, that is such an ugly untruth.
Meditation – truth comes from Jesus.
How do you carry your version of truth?
Where does your truth come from?