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Ephesians 2:14-16 – Law Dead, Hostility Gone

This is the revelation that is shaping my life today – I see just how tragic law makes me. How hostile I come in defending my regulations and commands against yours. Man, this is ugly on a huge scale that needs to be exposed in the mirror.
Ephesians 2:14-16 NLT
[14] For Christ, himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us. [15] He did this by ending the system of law with its commandments and regulations. He made peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new people from the two groups. [16] Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death on the cross, and our hostility toward each other was put to death.


No more them and us. Imagine a world where there is no more them and us. No more hostility, no more separation, just together as one body. This is the world that God seeks to and will finally establish, this is heaven on earth. This can only come into being when you end the system of laws that command and regulate. You see you do not get in and out when you regulate and command in and out, them and us. When you dismantle this system and establish a new system where everyone is in regardless, and then invite them to a personal journey of intimacy with God, where their journey does not have to mirror mine. This is now a journey of intimacy and love based on mercy and grace.
Imagine when we stop making judgements of others. Again if we stopped trying to make them obey through command and regulation. Imagine when we trust God’s grace and mercy and presence enough that we don’t need commands and regulations. Far from imagining there is no heaven, imagine heaven on earth, it is easy to do – stop judging with your system of law. When we realise we are all one, forgiven, loved and invited by God to walk with him, we will stop seeing each other through the eyes of a law system and see each other through the one of a grace system.
Law makes us hostile, so the law has been put to death. Hostility between those God loves was one of the reasons why God closed the law book. There are no laws with God, except if you push him He will say “the law of love,” which is no law for it can’t be by its very nature. It’s as we see ourselves, and everyone else, as one in Him, that we stop trying to be hostile based on the defensive of our laws and start trying to be family or one body. Don’t imagine this be this, it’s available to all who will put law to death. Now I know this is scary because people who think differently from me are scary, and we love the security of being in the in-crowd according to our laws and regulations. But there is something far greater on offer here than a bit of self-made fantasy security, there is Heaven on earth.


I will never live by, or demand from others, obedience to my brand of law, commands and regulations. I will respect that all people are one with God, by God’s doing. And live from the therefore that all are one with me, that a new people have been created by God, whether that realisation has dawned or not. I will honor the personal journey of all people, sharing mine without the encasement and entrapment of law. I will never give voice again to the hostility of law.


Thank you for togetherness as your shaping desire of all people. You don’t discriminate you make one and then treat as one. Thank you for the death of the law and all its hostile postures it enables in me. Thank you that your law is love, I love that.


Meditation – our hostility toward each other has been put to death.
How does law make you hostile towards others?
How at home are you with a God who puts law to death?