Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- the promise of His presence with me is the shaping foundational truth for life.
Acts 2:25-26 NLT
[25] King David said this about him: ‘I see that the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. [26] No wonder my heart is glad, and my tongue shouts his praises! My body rests in hope.
Here in Acts is a quote from Psalm 16:8-11, from the lips of King David. It starts with a declaration of faith – “I see that the LORD is always with me.” I think this is a core belief for the life of any believer, that is that God is always with me. The promise is in many places throughout scripture, God wants us to know that He is not an off in the distant deity, but an intimate present lover who never leaves or forsakes us. Critical in today’s world where the prevailing story of darkness is aloneness and isolation. Many of us, if not all of us, hear the invitation to the story of alone. We feel the presence of the story, we see evidence that it could be true, as lockdown separates us. But truth for the believer is never shaped by the prevailing feelings or circumstances, the life of the believer is shaped by the stance of faith in the promises and character of God. The waves, sometimes what feel like tidal waves, of circumstances will always roll over me if my foundation is anywhere else.
And look why God says this, why he promises and invites us to declare and shape our lives on His always presence with us – firstly, “I will not be shaken.” In a world where foundations of many kinds, family, truth, morals, sexuality, are making our lives without any foundation, God offers His presence as the foundation for life. Upon this foundation, you will not be shaken when the tremors of life hit. I have seen myself do both at different times of my life. Believe God is not with me, and I have taken to flight or fight stances. I have believed that He is with me, and I have stood unshaken and seen His glory. We all have the choice to faith stand in any circumstance, and our choice will determine consequences. If I know and stand on my God being present then I will not be shaken and I will grow through, rather than be shaped by life’s circumstances.
But more than that – “my heart is glad, and my tongue shouts his praises!” When you stand in His presence your declarations are of gratitude and worship rather than why me, lack, and who’s to blame. When I stand I see Him standing with me. And when I sense and know He is with me then my spirit rises to gratitude and worship. The power of this stance is amazing. It releases the power to not allow lack and blame and why me, to shape the questions that shape my life. Every circumstance takes a new shape when I see it through the declaration of gratitude and worship. In my darkest days, it was the constant hourly choice of gratitude and worship that finally defeated the enemy’s enticement to run.
And finally – “My body rests in hope.” When I know he is with me I am released to gratitude and praise, and this releases the power of the confidence of rest for my body. Our bodies carry and are deeply affected by the shaping stories we allow to rule. When His presence shapes us we rest because hope of a new day is present. Hopelessness causes so much of the anxiety, stress, and fear that prevails our society, and that is understandable when I stand in shifting sands of uncertainty. But when I stand on the rock of His presence then I see everything differently, and my body responds. I wonder how much of the brokenness in our bodies is caused by the brokenness of our stance and stories that shape our lives?
I will live with this faith declared foundation – ‘I see that the LORD is always with me.’ I will allow gratitude and praise to rise from this foundation and I will reap the rest that hope brings to my body.
Thank you that you are not distant, I can’t live this life on my own. Thank you that you give yourself as my foundation for life. There is something amazing about knowing and living on a strong foundation. I am so deeply blessed.
Meditation truth – ‘I see that the LORD is always with me.’
How often do I exercise this truth when facing the circumstances of my day?
What in me, what stories have a voice into my life, that say – ‘God has left me, rejected me, is not my rock?’ What does Jesus want to do to lead me into healing and freedom from this untruth?