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Gods power and presence

Acts 17:27-28 – Seekers Find.

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – we are all looking for ‘God’ even if we would not recognise or declare this searching. This was His purpose for all of us, that no one would not find Him, so He gave us all a longing and seeking. We all what to know where do I find life, where do I get meaning, why am here. It’s all found in Him.

Acts 17:27-28 NLT

[27] “His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him though he is not far from any one of us. [28] For in him we live and move and exist.”



Augustine (354–430) said: “God is more intimate to me than I am to myself.”

When we seek God we are not having to look far, He does not hide. His purpose is to be found by me. He is the God who reveals himself. But for His intimate self-revelation to be seen I must have eyes that seek, a posture of feeling my way toward him. It’s the paradox of scripture – all things of God are present, available, and freely given, but only to those who choose to receive them, seek them, find them.


I can’t not be in the presence of God for He is everywhere, in all things. He is inviting us through His creation to see his fingerprints. He is speaking to us in our desires and longings for life, beauty, and love to recognise it is Him we are seeking. He is inviting us in the rains and the yielding of our land to see His provision for us. We don’t come to him through religious observances, they destroy and hide His self-revelation. We feel our way toward Him as we give ourselves permission to see. As I let go of my theories that deny Him as creator, as I let go of my attempts to make it alone, as I listen to myself and allow my longings to have voice, I feel my way toward his closeness and find Him ready to guide me on. It’s not church-going or bible reading, these are supports (if used wisely), it’s my personal intimate posture that says “I want to know you.”


I then discover that my whole life is lived with Him, through Him, like Him. “For in him we live and move and exist.” My identity is then found in Him, for I am made in His image. My way of being is found in Him, as I made to reflect His likeness. My longings are met in Him, for His passions become mine. My brokenness is healed as in Him I find forgiveness and love and understanding that sets me free from the trapping stories of past and family and trauma. My way of life becomes shaped by Him for I discover the smallness of the life I have self-created and the greatness of the life of my true self in Him. I find me, in Him, and I like the new man, and I realise I was trying to find him, or create him, all along.



So now I rest. His burden is light and life sought and found in Him is filled with joy, gratitude, and peace. I do not press life and demand it yields me what I desire, even though it can never deliver on my demands. I now rest knowing that I have found life and I move and exist with freedom and ease. I live with rhythms that enable me to be present to His presence and from here I continue to seek and find greater depths of the beauty and magnificence of life in Him.



Thank you that you want to be found, so you position yourself closer to me than I am to myself. Thank you that you stirred in me searching and then bound into the open space in my life that was always made and reserved for you. I felt like I found you but I know that you found me. Thank you for this life that exists and moves in and through you. Its richness amazes me, its transcendence captures me and leaves me speechless, its beauty and intimacy hold me, its love shapes me, its freedom gives me rest. I am blessed to be a seeker who has been found.




Meditation truth – For in him we live and move and exist.


How present are you to the presence of God? Do you have rhythms of presence?

What aspects of life do you keep outside of His influence and shaping?

Do you know the beauty of life in Him?