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2 Timothy 1:12 – Grace overcomes shame

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – shame will always have the opportunity to have voice, the question is how to silence shame so it does not become a shaping voice.
2 Timothy 1:12 TPT
The confidence of my calling enables me to overcome every difficulty without shame, for I have an intimate revelation of this God.


How many of the difficulties in my life am I the author of? I make poor decisions because of my laziness, my pain, or my small ego self, and then the seed of the decision grows into its natural harvest of difficulty. And inevitably I feel the rise and voice of shame looking to have me wear it. Poor decision leads to the outcome of difficulty with the response of shame.
Too often this can become the shaping story of our lives. Shaped by our poor decisions and our shame. But now that I have confidence to overcome this in the grace of God, that grows so deeply in me as I spend intimate time with him. I no longer live in shame. I still make poor decisions; this is life’s journey, but I am no longer shaped by them and the ensuing shame. Grace silences shame, grace reminds me of my intimate acceptance, and grace empowers me to walk out of difficulty into the next stage of life.
This grace of God that changes everything is not an intellectualised doctrine of belief, it’s an intimate revelation that I have personally experienced and received. Its spirit received, heart embraced, and this revelation has shaped my thinking. Shame makes sense to my intellect, my emotions support its presence, and it’s only the personal intimate revelation of God’s grace that silences shame. I know I am guilty, and shame is a natural consequence of guilt. To go from guilty to grace is what gives shame the silent treatment. And this is the great transformation that God offers those who intimately know him. And this rescues life.
No more shame only grace.


I will overcome every difficulty of my life by living in the revelation of grace. I will never allow my feelings of shame to become shaping stories in my life. Guilt will lead me to grace not shame that disqualifies and downcasts.


Thank you that you have no expectation that I will not make poor decisions, rather you make way for me to overcome. Grace is required for those who need to overcome shame and its companion, disqualification. Thank you for giving grace through your presence, not through my ability to understand. Thank you for the intimate revelation of your grace. This is truly living.


Meditate – no more shame!
How often is shame a shaping voice in my life?
What is my rhythm of being intimately present to grace?