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1 John 3:16; 18 – Discover love then be love.

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- in today’s self-focused culture we need to rediscover a better love story.

1 John 3:16;18TPT


This is how we have discovered love’s reality: Jesus sacrificed his life for us. Because of this great love, we should be willing to lay down our lives for one another……Beloved children, our love can’t be an abstract theory we only talk about, but a way of life demonstrated through our loving deeds.



God is love and love was put on full display in Jesus. We discovered love in Jesus. We didn’t know love without Jesus. Jesus shows us that – love is sacrificial, love gives itself without looking to get, love comes and searches out those to love upon, love is not passive, love lays itself down for others. Our culture has hijacked love into a story of getting, where I am looking to get loved and I’ll do whatever it takes to purchase, arouse, seduce, love. But Jesus shows us, true love. The greatest journey of life is the journey into “discovering love’s reality.”


From being loved by him, we are able to love like him. As we receive Jesus’ love we become released to live out this love, and we become “willing to lay down our lives for one another.” In a culture that is all about self sanctification this love story of heaven, where I lay myself aside for others, is completely counter-cultural. But we all know that’s what the world needs, to rediscover true love. We all want it, but we can’t manufacture it. It is available from the overflow of experience. I have this love because I been loved by this love – I overflow from my experience.


Love is not “an abstract theory we only talk about, but a way of life demonstrated through our loving deeds.” There is a lot of “I love you talk,” but this does not always translate into I love you walk. My confession of love is seen in your inspection of my life. If it’s not visible it’s not love. Whilst it does my ears and heart good to hear your love, the words become hollow when not followed by the actions I can experience.



I will shape my love story based on Jesus. I will give it legs that match its confession. I will live loved by Jesus so that I am able to love like Jesus, I will love from the overflow.


Thank you that the foundational message of scripture is a message of love. I am loved by God, made right to experience His love, then sent to be His love. Thank you that this is the fullest summary of the life you call me to. Thank you that you enable me through loving me to be a great lover. I live blessed because I know love. Thank you.


Is your love story shaped by Jesus?

Do you work hard to love like Jesus, or do you allow yourself to be loved hard by Jesus so you can overflow his love?