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Intimacy Living abundantly

1 Corinthians 13:9,12-13 – Walking in the unknown of life

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- the deception of self reliance when I see partially and incompletely.

1 Corinthians 13:9,12-13 NLT

[9]now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! [12] Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. [13] Three things will last forever-faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love.


It’s hard to accept limitations. Show us somewhere we can’t go and we will find a way to go there, show us something we can’t do and we will find a way to do it. There is this beautiful inbuilt God given desire to overcome. But regardless of how far we come, how much we know, we will always only see partially and incomplete. We cannot connect all the interactions of the past to know the motives of our hearts. We cannot see clearly the future to know the ramifications of our decisions upon the generations to come. It is hard for us to accept that we see “like puzzling reflections in a mirror.” The beauty of this personal realisation is that we don’t try and look on our own.


When I accept that I can’t see then I reach for the hand of another. This is Gods extended hand to us, for He does see, He does know. He knows me completely, better than I know me. And when I posture myself to be a learner, when I ask for awareness as to why I make the decisions I make, why i have the driving feelings and desires I have, why I have the core truth that shapes me, then God will reveal motives, brokenness and shaping stories and bring me into fullness and healing. When I accept my incomplete knowledge, then I look to someone who can direct me through the days of the future so that I will be life giving to the world I interact. When I don’t know ask someone who does.


But I am not without responsibility. I am not without capacity for engagement. I am called to operate from the three things that last forever – faith, hope, and love. This is the posture to revive the guidance and life of God. Live by faith, look forward with hope, and stand as His beloved, in His love, being His love. And in the end it all rests on love, for faith and hope stand on love. Be loved, here is the key responsibility I have for life. Know I am loved, know my true self is love, and be His love to the world around me. The puzzling reflections in the mirror may not become clear, but I know how to walk with incomplete and imperfect sight.


Accept my limitations to understanding and sight. Look to one who sees more clearly and understands more. Live in His love and release faith and hope in my life. Posture of humility, security in uncertainty, defender of love.


Thank you that you invite me to take your hand when I don’t see. Thank you that I am not alone and lost in the murky waters of life, but I am held and steadied and led. Thank you that you give me the love I need to walk with you in the life you call. Thank you that I can stand in your love and exercise my faith that hope may characterise all my days.


Meditation truth – now our knowledge is partial and incomplete.


What is the posture of your life? Are you continually seeking the hand of the one who sees and knows completely?

Do you have rhythms of being loved by Him established in your life?