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Romans 13:8-10 – No Need For Laws When There Is Love.

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- we live in such a regulated society, we have laws to control and direct our behaviour in all facets of life, and yet God chooses to close the law book, as it does not work, and open a new way of life, the way of love.

Romans 13:8-10 NLT

[8] Owe nothing to anyone except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law. [9] For the commandments say, “You must not commit adultery. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not covet.” These and other such commandments are summed up in this one commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” [10] Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.


No need for laws when there is love. Love sums it all up. If we knew how to unconditionally, uncaused, unselfishly love each other then we would require no laws. There would be no behaviour that would need to be managed as love would rule all behaviour, and as Mahatma Gandhi said “where there is love there is life.” This is what God has been saying since the beginning of time, where there is love there is no need for laws, mediation, judgment, punishment, external motivation, for love holds the power to release life to all.


“Love your neighbor as yourself,” in doing this you fulfill the life of God’s intention. So no more laws, only a call to be loved and then to be love. This is the entire focus of scripture and God’s intention. You would understand yourself as the beloved of God, come to Him and be loved, then go and be love. No wonder our love story is so assaulted by God’s enemy. We are so confused about love, we try and get it, earn it, buy it, because it, but this is not where we will find love. We do not generate love, love must be received from the source, from God who is love. When we have been loved by Him we have the flow of genuine love, Heaven’s love, that can now be shared with others. We do not manufacture love, we receive and then mirror. We participate in the intimacy of God’s love and then we mirror the experience of His glorious love as we display, as we mirror, as we overflow His glory, His love. And God gives you His glory, His love, freely, constantly, there is never any turning by God away from loving you to love. He made you right with himself so he could lavish Himself, lavish love, upon you always.



Stay loved! Come often into the presence of love to be loved and then go be love. Simple.



Thank you that you love me without cause, without conditions, without end. We all know the power of love, we all want love, and you offer it to me freely. No strings, no earns, just come whenever and receive your fill. Thank you that you summarise life and law in the simplicity of “love each other.” I am a blessed man to know I am loved without cause and to live in the flow of love.


Meditation truth – “love your neighbour as yourself.”



Do you look at life through the lens of laws or the lens of love?

Do you have a rhythm of regulation coming to be loved by God?

What stops you from being loved by God?