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Living abundantly

Luke 21:1-4 – The generous life.

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- the story of who provides for me shapes my story of generosity.

Luke 21:1-4 NLT

[1] While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. [2] Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins. [3] “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. [4] For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”


What a powerful story! Generosity in poverty, she must have been the most free person. We live in a cultural story, whether we are wealthy or poor, that says keep as much for yourself as you can, collect and accumulate, it’s called consumerism. It looks like the wealthy of Jesus’ day suffered something of this story. My generosity is challenged because I hear the consumerism story of lack and it is hard to give in my poverty.


My false ego-centric self likes to give so people will think good of me. I give out of my excess because I falsely have been deceived that I need to keep what I need to supply my needs. My true self, the one created in the image of God, loves generosity, loves the freedom and joy of living naturally open handed and generous. I need to lean into this story, this woman is my hero and model. My posture needs to change. Generosity is never about how much I have it is always about my posture, my story, it’s always about living from my true self. And it’s shaped by how I see God.


You only lay down everything you have when you know that God is the provider of all you are laying down and will provide for your needs. The world tells me I am responsible to provide, but I must see that all the provisions that I provide are actually provided by God to me. God makes it clear that He knows me and provides for me. When I get the story straight I stop seeing things as mine, as what I have earned, and I start to be grateful and generous, and confident in His provision. This is gun to the head of consumerism and resurrection into life in the Kingdom. I have a long journey to travel here, I am confronted by how immature I am in this story.


I am confronted by this small story, it packs a beautiful punch to my ego centric false self that still drives me. It shows me how broken I am in this area of my life. I will take some deliberate steps this week towards gratefulness and financial generosity. I will allow God to speak to me about His provision for me and how I walk in the freedom of His promises.


Thank you that you call me to a life of generosity. Thank you that you are my provider unto generosity. Thank you that you are so patient with me as I die to the old me and come alive in you. Thank you that you expose my false self and it’s motives and brokenness, without judgement that causes shame and disqualification. Awareness leads me to the healing of death and resurrection. A blessed person receives judgment with mercy to redemption, I am a blessed person.


Allow this story to speak to you, what is your response?

Is your generosity shaped by your false ego centric self that is generous from excess and when applause will follow? (Are you like me?)