Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today – the impossible is made possible, only when I don’t attempt the impossible. Any attempt at the impossible salvation only proves it is impossible!
Luke 18:26-27 TPT
[26] Those who heard this said, “Then who can be saved?” [27] Jesus responded, “What appears humanly impossible is more than possible with God. For God can do what man cannot.”
Salvation is impossible, absolutely impossible. No one can be saved. If only we could grasp that maybe we would stop trying to do something impossible for us to do. Maybe we would stop assessing and judging others as to whether they have done the impossible, and we should stop inviting people into mission impossible, there is only one Tom Cruise. Why would I judge to see if anyone has done the impossible, doesn’t that make me simply foolish? The church tries too often to determine and give direction as to how to do the impossible. Again, just simple foolishness.
The problem is we need to start at the end. Everyone has already been saved. Not in and of themselves, that’s impossible. But God saved the world in and through himself. He did not ask our permission, he did not look for our interest, he did not gauge our worthiness, he did not look for our help or input, for it is impossible for us to have any involvement in salvation. Mainly because how do I do what has already been done? You see salvation is past tense for all of us, so it’s impossible to be involved.
All we can do is give thanks for what has been done. That does not make me saved, I was already saved, and my thanks enable my pleasure, life and inheritance of all that is salvation. Now when anyone comes into the freedom to choose salvation, by that I mean the complete knowledge of the love of God, who he is and the life (now and eternal) planned, then full knowledge, will lead to full thankfulness of salvation. And everyone will be at some stage given full knowledge. Every knee will bow at the beauty of salvation and the beauty of the God who saves.
Choosing salvation is limited by our knowledge of salvation, not in any way our capacity to achieve, deserve, or be worthy of salvation. And this knowledge is not a head knowledge but a deeper consciousness, a spirit consciousness that only comes when you meet the one for whom salvation is possible. This is a personal intimate meeting, not a knowing about, but a meeting with. The impossible becomes possible when you meet the one who made the way possible.
I will not see people as unsaved. I will never infer in any way that the impossible is possible through gymnastics of the flesh. I will only ever invite people into the impossible that has already been made completely possible for them, nothing more to add. And I will live continually in, and celebrate, this for myself.
Thank you that you did the impossible so I could live saved with you. Thank you that I don’t have to carry any burden of salvation, for any burden, no matter how light I try and make it, will be ultimately too heavy for me to lift, let alone carry. I love being saved by you plus nothing I bring. It shows just how deep your love is for me, that you left nothing in my court, no impossible task or quest for me to accomplish, to restore me to your love. So I will live in the impossible made possible, and enjoy your love. This is a good life.
Meditate- God can do what man cannot.
How often does your salvation get questioned because you have not done the impossible, whatever you think that might be?
Do you live in the fullness of the freedom of impossible salvation made possible?