his is the revelation that is shaping my life today- my value to God is placed within me, it never diminishes, it is never tarnished in, or by, my lostness.
Luke 15:8-10 TPT
[8] Jesus gave them another parable: “There once was a woman who had ten valuable silver coins. When she lost one of them, she swept her entire house, diligently searching every corner of her house for that one lost coin. [9] When she finally found it, she gathered all her friends and neighbors for a celebration, telling them, ‘Come and celebrate with me! I had lost my precious silver coin, but now I’ve found it.’ [10] That’s the way God responds every time one lost sinner repents and turns to him. He says to all his angels, ‘Let’s have a joyous celebration, for that one who was lost I have found!'”
In today’s culture, we can struggle at times to comprehend our value. Value in our society must be earned, by achievement, goodness, likes, etc. But God places great value on every individual, the value of daughtership and sonship. You cannot and never will be more or less valuable to God than you are right now. You were created with His image as family and that value is never eroded, it never fades or diminishes. The lost coin still has the same value as the 9 found coins, being lost does not diminish the value. Jesus tells this parable so we will know how valuable we are to God and the lengths He will go to rescue you back into His love, His family. God searches desperately for His precious children to bring them home.
Notice the coin does nothing to be found. It is the woman who diligently searches for what is dear to her, her lost coin. The woman is God and He has done everything in Jesus to bring you home. You do nothing to be found, other than find out that Jesus has already completely opened the door for you to come home and turn to walk into God’s outstretched arms. God is continually finding you and placing His welcome home before you, but we have eyes deceived and ears so often closed to His welcome home.
God says to the angels..”Let’s have a joyous celebration, for that one who was lost I have found!” We often miss in all the false pictures and stories of an angry God who judges us, just how passionate God is about us being His. He is not focused on what we got up to in our lost days, His focus is only on finding you and bringing you home. The greatest celebration in Heaven is for one of God’s children who receive His rescue and walks into home.
I will never judge my value against any other measure than the passion God has for me. If the creator desires me then I must have untold and unmeasurable value. I will recognise the celebration of God over His children coming home and join Him in placing the welcome mat before those lost from the family.
Thank you that you search diligently to bring me home. Thank you for the love for us that motivates your search. Thank you for the story of value and celebration you write over my life. Thank you that my value is never diminished in my lostness. What a brilliant story you give me to shape my life, I am blessed.
How do you measure your value?
Do you know the God who passionately searches for you?