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Living abundantly

2 Peter 1:5-8 – This is me.

Here is the revelation that is shaping my life today- I am new, I just need to be me!

2 Peter 1:5-8 TPT

[5] So devote yourselves to lavishly supplementing your faith with goodness, and to goodness add understanding, [6] and to understanding add the strength of self-control, and to self-control add patient endurance, and to patient endurance add godliness, [7] and to godliness add mercy toward your brothers and sisters, and to mercy toward others add unending love. [8] Since these virtues are already planted deep within, and you possess them in abundant supply, they will keep you from being inactive or fruitless in your pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ more intimately.



Part of the challenge of salvation is to appreciate what has happened to me, the new me I have become. When I am reborn into the life of the Kingdom, the kingdom virtues, character, shape, comes upon me, they are “planted deep within me, and I possess them in abundant supply.” Goodness, understanding, self-control, patience, godliness, mercy, love – these are planted in me already, by faith and through the intimacy of my walk with God, they grow and find full expression through me. I do not lack any of them, I just realise and grow into who I have been reborn to be. It’s about becoming me.


We have a beautiful new baby in our lives and it is amazing to watch how quickly she grows into her born self. She does not lack anything, she is growing into everything that she already possesses. This is life in the Kingdom, God does not keep anything back, He gives us the fullness of the Kingdom and then journeys with us as we understand and reveal the restoration of who we have become.


And the more I discover the beauty of the Kingdom that is now me, the more I like the new me and the more I want the fullness to come forth. This “keeps me from being inactive or fruitless in my pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ more intimately.” You are a new you. The old you has died and the new you is amazing, get passionate about being you. As you receive the new you by faith, the new you steps forth and presents the beauty of the Kingdom, and you will stand in amazement at the beauty and power of God in and through your life. Too often we define ourselves by the old dead guy, not the newly born kingdom guy. Being me is really the walk of following Jesus, this is discipleship. It’s not becoming someone I’m not, it’s becoming the full expression of who I have become as a citizen of the Kingdom, a child reborn into the family of God.



I will become active and fruitful in my pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ more intimately, as this is how I become me. I will not live like the dead guy or from his past stories, I will declare who I am now and by faith look for it to manifest more fully in my life. I will not live from lack attempting to earn more from God, I will not put my effort into change, but I will live in the truth that these Kingdom virtues are already mine. I will declare who I am and then be me. I am a man of love, mercy, understanding, self-control…..knowing who I am enables me to be who I am. I will discipline myself to be me, through my intimate walk with my God.



Thank you for the complete transformation and restoration of my life into the man of your image, the man of your created intention. Thank you for rebirth as the means of Kingdom life, it is so good to not have to work and earn but rather be. What a blessing to made a new me, to be given all the virtues that every person desires in their life. Thank you for the new me, I really like this guy so much more than the dead guy. My wife says she has been married to two men, both me. Thank you for blessing me with rebirth and new life.



Do you find yourself working from lack trying to become more ……. rather than declaring who you are and being disciplined to be you?

Do you know the reborn you? Does the new beauty of you inspire your passion for intimately following Jesus?