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Gods power and presence

Psalm 147:3,5 – The Healer of Shattered Hearts

The revelation that is shaping my life – God is all powerful and all knowing but this does not mean those who love him will not experience shattered hearts.

Psalm 147:3,5 TPT

[3] He heals the wounds of every shattered heart. [5] How great is our God! There’s absolutely nothing his power cannot accomplish, and he has infinite understanding of everything.


What a promise. We all know what it is to have our hearts shattered. No one is immune from the heartbreak of life in this fallen wounded world. We live in a complex, interwoven, mysterious world, where man and the spiritual realm interact in ways unobservable but undeniable. We live in the middle of a battle where at times I am my own enemy. Most of us strive to avoid heart break, and whilst this makes sense, it’s impossible to achieve. So it is just as important to know where to turn when the shattering happens. God heals shattered hearts. The greatest casualty in this world is when the wounded are deceived to blame the healer. They turn away from the only one who can heal as they are deceived He is their abuser. I hate this robbery.


“There’s absolutely nothing his power cannot accomplish,” we love this truth, but then it is the most confusing truth about God. If you can accomplish anything then why my shattered heart. We don’t have the intelligence to unpack the complexity of the question we pose. We cannot comprehend where we live, so we take this truth and we turn it against the God who is all powerful. We take this truth of God and demand that He becomes our personal God wielding His power to accomplish a context where I never experience a shattered heart. All powerful God does not equal no shattered hearts, that includes mine and yours. But he is the one who heals shattered hearts. Don’t allow our inability to comprehend the reality of all powerful God and shattered creation, to reshape who He is and disqualify His healing presence. Remember God is all powerful but does not use His power to be all controlling. He has all authority but has invested control into the hands of us. That means you and me, and we invest power knowing and unknowingly in a spiritual battle that we often don’t comprehend and ignore our responsibility of engagement.


“He has infinite understanding of everything.” That’s Him not you. I am amazed at how often I am prepared to tell God how things should be. I see so little but I believe I have full understanding. In my attempts to have the power of understanding I tell God how things should be and how things are. It’s so hard to embrace my smallness. I just don’t know the answers to the whys and what’s of life. I don’t know why things happened, and I don’t know the what’s about to happen. But again, I take his all knowing and say why did you allow my shattered heart? His infinite understanding and his all powerful status does not remove shattered hearts. If I can stop asking and demanding and stand in my smallness and by faith say “you are the God who heals my shattered heart,” then I will receive His healing and not demand He change my circumstances. I will see that He is all powerfulness and all knowingness at work in my life and I will say – “ How great is our God!”



Declare who God is without demanding He behave according to my demands. Live life in His power and understanding knowing that it is not a get out of shattered heart free card. When I can’t understand the whys and what I will simply declare to my circumstances by faith that my God is all powerful and all knowing, I will allow my faith to reshape my circumstances and position me in the arms of the one who heals shattered hearts.


Thank you that you are a God who loves me and heals my heart. Thank you that my heart is important to you. Thank you that you do not protect me from the fullness of life, even its heart shattering seasons, for the seasons that shape me most are seasons of love and suffering. Thank you that I can rest in your power and your knowing, without comprehending the fullness of how you exercise it. Be God and I will try and be me. Sorry when I get that wrong. I am blessed to know you and know where my strength, my wisdom, my healing comes from. “How great is our God!”



Are you keeping your shattered heart away from the healer of shattered hearts?

How often do you blame God for the whys of life you can not comprehend?